(student website)

This site is by the students and for the students.

This is a site where MATH 1271 students (or anyone else, really) can share materials. It is something like a "wiki" site, but with a small amount of vetting by me, the instructor.

If you develop materials for the course that you think might benefit others, please send them to me ( and I will give a quick look for any obvious errors. If I agree that the materials are helpful, then I'll post them, with your email address as the author.

You can send me the file in many different formats if you like (ppt, pptx, doc, docx, pdf, etc.), but, if you can, please do include a pdf version, since most platforms read pdf files.

Other students using the materials who may find errors or points of confusion, or who may have suggestions, are advised to contact the author, not me. (The author may wish to contact me, if he/she is unsure of some mathematical point.)

Revised materials can be resubmitted to me, and I'll repost them. Revisions should be emailed in all the same formats as the original posting.