# # Short intro to .htaccess files # GPL copyright 2000, paul garrett, garrett@math.umn.edu # # this is a comment # # It seems that comments should be only at the _beginning_ of lines, # or else the server gets confused # ###################################################################### ### ### NOTE: As of August 2003, the new configuration of our Apache server may ### have disallowed some of this stuff... I haven't checked yet. ### ###################################################################### # # In the directory that you want to influence by the directives you # should put a file called ".htaccess" (no quotes) which is world # readable (not executable!) containing lines giving the directives below. # # # Default processing order is "deny"'s first, then "allow"'s # The following would process "allow"s first, then "deny"s # # order allow, deny # # Note that we comment this out, since it's probably better to # do "deny"'s first, as the default has it. # # To disallow everyone: # deny from all # # Can allow from specific host, for example after denying from all # allow from 9128.101.154.149 # # Can allow from domain(s) of various granularity # allow from 128.101 allow from 128.101.154 # # Can also use human-readable version rather than IP addresses: # allow from math.umn.edu # # Can use the Redirect directive, as in (note the syntax) # Redirect /~garrett/index.html http://www.math.umn.edu/~garrett/tmp/index.html # # The following means that any .data will be executed # (if its permissions are set right, anyway) # AddHandler cgi-script data # # Can also define "custom" handlers, for specified suffixes: # Here "sfx" is the filename suffix to be treated specially, # and the script through which it will be run is specified # from the server root directory # AddHandler my-new-handler sfx Action my-new-handler /~garrett/somedirectory/foo.cgi # # To redirect errors toward your own error document, add a line # ErrorDocument 404 http://www.math.umn.edu/~me/myerror.html # # Of course, this can also route bad requests through a handler, etc, # to customize response depending on lost or mis-named file # ###################################################################### # # The University of Minnesota explicitly requires that I state that "The # views and opinions expressed in this page are strictly those of the # page author. The contents of this page have not been reviewed or # approved by the University of Minnesota." # ######################################################################