Fei He (贺飞)

Dunham Jackson Assistant Professor
School of Mathematics,
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
MN 55455

Office: 261 Vincent Hall
Email: hexxx221_at_umn_dot_edu

Current Teaching:

Math 1272 Fall 2016 Lec 001, 002: Calculus II
Office Hour: Tu 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm, Wed 10:00 am - 11:30 am.
Moodle: Lec 001, Lec 002.

Research Interests

My research field is geometric analysis. I'm mainly interested in the Ricci flow and Ricci solitons, Einstein manifolds, Sobolev inequalities on Riemannian manifolds and applications. My current research project is about Ricci flows on complete noncompact manifolds with possibly unbounded curvature.

Publications & Preprints:

1.  "Existence and applications of Ricci flows via pseudolocality." arXiv:1610.01735, (2016). 

2.  "Existence, Lifespan and Transfer Rate of Ricci Flows on Manifolds with Small Ricci Curvature." arXiv:1604.07923, (2016). 

3.  "Some rigidity results for gradient steady Ricci solitons and Ricci-flat manifolds." arXiv:1311.4515, (2013). 

4.  "Remarks on the Extension of the Ricci Flow." Journal of Geometric Analysis 24.1 (2014): 81-91. 

5.  "Regularity of the Ricci flow and rigidity of Ricci Solitons." PhD Dissertation, University of California, Irvine, (2014).