Math 4242, Lecture 010      Applied Linear Algebra       Fall, 2022

Peter J. Olver
School of Mathematics
University of Minnesota
Minneapolis, MN 55455
Vincent Hall 302
Phone: 612-626-1623
Lectures:    MWF  9:05–9:55 am    Ford Hall 130
Office Hours:   M 10:30 – 11:30 am, W 11:30 am – 12:30 pm, or by appointment

Course Description:   Math 4242 is a one semester course that covers the fundamentals of linear algebra and its applications.

Prerequisites:    Math 2243 or 2373 or 2573. Single-variable calculus is the only formal prerequisite. Previous experience in elementary linear algebra is helpful, but not assumed. On the other hand, the student will need some mathematical maturity to engage with the abstraction inherent to the subject.

Text:    Applied Linear Algebra, by Peter J. Olver and Chehrzad Shakiban, Second Edition, Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics, Springer, New York, 2018.
      •  I intend to cover most of chapters 1 – 8 during the semester.
      •  The text is available online through Canvas or the University of Minnesota Library
      •  See the text web site for a list of corrections, a link to the students' solutions manual, and other useful information.

Modality:   This course is scheduled as an in-person course using a standard lecture format. Unforeseen circumstances may require this to occasionally change during the semester.

Homework:   Homework will be assigned regularly throughout the semester and collected. The assigned problems should be regarded as the minimum required for mastery of the material. No late homework will be accepted, but I will drop the lowest score when determining the final grade. You are allowed to collaborate on the homework, however what is handed in must be written independently.

Hour Exams:   There will be two midterm exams. Students will be allowed to bring one page of handwritten notes to the midterms.

First Midterm:    Wednesday, October 19:   Will cover sections 1.1-1.8 (not Gauss-Jordan), 2.1-2.6, 3.1-3.3 (not matrix norms).

Second Midterm:    Monday, November 21:   Will cover sections 3.4-3.5, 4.1-4.4, 5.2-5.5. Not covered: Cholesky, modifications of Gram--Schmidt, Householder, orthogonal polynomials, splines.

Final Exam:   Monday, December 19,   10:30am — 12:30pm,   Ford Hall 130.

      •  Homework 20%
      •  Hour Exams 20% each
      •  Final Exam 40%

Absence from exams:   Missing an exam is permitted only for the most compelling reasons, which must be documented, and you must obtain my permission in advance. Otherwise you will be given a 0. If you are excused from taking an exam, you will be allowed to take a makeup exam, or, depending on the circumstances, your other exam scores will be prorated.

Incompletes:   Only given in extreme circumstances, and only when the student has satisfactorily completed all but a small portion of the work in the course. Students must make prior arrangements with the professor well before the end of the semester. Incompletes will not be given solely because the student has stopped attending class or missed an exam or the final.

Student Conduct:   Students are expected to be familiar with University of Minnesota Student Conduct Code, including the consequences for violatation of standards of academic honesty. Students should also read their college bulletin for the definitions and possible penalties for cheating. During the exams you must do your own work. Students suspected of cheating will be reported to the Scholastic Conduct Committee for appropriate action. According to official University of Minnesota policy, academic dishonesty in any portion of the academic work for a course shall be grounds for awarding grade of F or N for the entire course.

COVID-19 and other infectious dieseases:   Students are required to follow the rules and protocols established by the University of Minnesota to ensure health safety for all. I don't intend to wear a mask in class, and fully support your individual choices around masking. See the CIDRAP website for the latest information.