University of Minnesota Combinatorics Seminar
Friday, April 22, 2011
3:35pm in 570 Vincent Hall

Factorisations of a Coxeter element
and discriminant of a reflection group

Vivien Ripoll

Universite du Quebec a Montreal


When W is a finite reflection group, the noncrossing partition lattice NCPW of type W is a very rich combinatorial object, extending the notion of noncrossing partitions of an n-gon. A formula (only proved case-by-case for now) expresses the number of multichains of a given length in NCPW as a generalized Fuss-Catalan number, depending on the invariant degrees of W. We explain how to comprehend geometrically some specifications of this formula. We use an interpretation of the chains of NCPW as fibers of a "Lyashko-Looijenga covering", constructed from the discriminant hypersurface of W. We deduce new enumeration formulas for certain factorisations of a Coxeter element of W.