Date: 10/30/2020

Speaker: Monica Lewis

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The Closed Support Problem Over a Complete Intersection Ring
Local cohomology modules are (typically) very large algebraic objects that encode rich geometric information about the structure of a commutative ring. These modules are rarely finitely generated, but when the underlying space is smooth, there is often additional structure available that can lead to remarkable finiteness properties. For example, there are large classes of regular rings whose local cohomology is known to always have a finite set of associated primes. This property can fail over a complete intersection rings, but independent results of Hochster and Núñez-Betancourt (2017) or Katzman and Zhang (2017) have shown that at least in characteristic p > 0, the local cohomology of a hypersurface ring will still have closed support in the Zariski topology. It remains an open question whether this property holds in arbitrary codimension. In this talk, I will present my results on the local cohomology of a parameter ideal illustrating an obstruction to straightforwardly generalizing existing hypersurface strategies. I will then present joint work with Eric Canton on an alternative route of attack in higher codimension, involving a novel Frobenius-compatible simplicial complex of local cohomology modules.