Math 5251 Fall 2006

This page was last updated on 12/17/06.

Download the Final Exam.

Syllabus and Class Information


Homework assignments will be posted online; as announced in class I can provide you with a hard copy if you have only occasional access to the web.

I've also posted a partial list of Homework Solutions For Chapters 1-4 [pdf] and Solutions to Homework 6 [web].


Books, notes and calculators are not allowed on exams. The good news is that this means I'll stick to the most important formulas, and the numbers will all be reasonable enough for hand calculations.

Study Guides

Exam Solutions


We record your numeric scores, not letter grades, but to give you an idea of how you're doing in the class I post approximate gradelines here. If the A line is 90, that means 90 is the lowest score in the A range, so it's the lowest A-. 89 would be the highest B+ in that situation.

Exam 1 90 80 70 60
Exam 2 85 70 55 40
HW 52 44 35 25

Links to related Materials

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